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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Monday, November 19, 2007

Basketball and Kittens

So here are the Bball girls I have somehow ended up coaching the last couple of months. They have done a great job, considering that many of the girls have had little or no experience shooting hoops.

And in other news... I was walking Arthur last weekend and we discovered some shivery kittens under a parked car. I know the mama cat. One of our neighbors gave her and her kittens a little covered cat bed and there is often food left out next to the bed. However, we live on a busy street, and I doubt these guys will be around long. :( They were alone this morning, one of the first chilly days we've had this "winter". I guess Mom was out finding breakfast and they were left alone, meowing their heads off... so I sat down on the curb, with Arthur next to me and soon they were curious enough to come over and check us out. They're so young they don't even know that they're suppose to be afraid of Arthur (rather, my ferocious terrier was afraid of them!). The biggest of the three kept climbing up my pants leg to get a closer look at Arthur. I let him get far enough along to see what would happen. The guy was going for Arthur's belly; his nipples to be exact. Poor things, I haven't seen them around here since that morning. The stray animal situation here is really depressing. Obviously, there is no concept of spaying or neutering here. The worst stories involve poison being put out on the street as a means of "animal control".


Blogger Jo said...

Those little kitten guys are so cute and so teeny! I hope they're okay and that their mama came back for them! It's horrible that poison's being used to thin out animal populations.

On a more cheerful note, hooray for your basketballers! That's super!

29/11/07 07:57  

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