Leah has been tutoring Sudanese refugees every Thursday for several weeks now. Nancy
(in the right corner) has been 6 or 7 times. I've been 2 or 3 times and am in awe of the positive, eager attitudes. One would think it would be depressing, going to this rundown, basement gathering place... But these men bring warmth and joy to the building. Those who come here are always smiling and wearing their best clothes. These men (and sometimes one woman shows up) are hopeful that there will be peace; that will be able to return home. Many of the men say their motivation to learn English is to communicate with the UN peacekeepers once the violence has ended. And to find work in the meantime.
Adam, taking a knee in the center, runs the community center, where English lessons are provided.
These men have lost everything, in many cases their entire family has been wiped out. And yet they hold onto their faith and hope. They say that the only help they've recieved is from local Christians, mostly Americans and teachers like ourselves. They are literally relying on the kindness of strangers. At my school, AISE, during charity week, the students raised over 6000 LE and are contributing a portion of this to pay 5 months of rent for the sudanese community center.
Most Egyptians dislike the Sudanese refugees being here. The men tell stories of rights refused. They were made to turn in their passport (and visas?) for refugee status certificates, and once the documents are taken from them, no paperwork is issued, so they are held in limbo. They are not able (legally) work in or leave Egypt. They are stuck here, in a country that does not want them here. They share stories of racism, even when trying to pray in the mosques. They talk to friends and family, other refugees in places like Lybia who are bad off, but much better than here. The few that have attempted to return to the Sudan turn up dead.

Words of inspiration hang on the walls: "One is never too old to learn" , "That what cannot be cured must be endured", and "God helps those who help themselves."
That place looks fantastic!
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