Friends and family have asked what my commute is like. Well, we ride in a nice, air-conditioned , 20-seater van.
It's really bumpy and the driving here is crazy...
Here are some photos of what I see each morning.

As over populated as this city is, I don't understand why there are all these half-built buildings. Tons of people sleep in makeshift, cardboard houses, while brick and cement highrises sit, unused. On some buildings, construction seems to have haulted several years ago, never to resume, and new construction starts up all the time. It's weird. Someone told me it may be because of a law that allows the government to take your land if something hasn't been built in a certain amount of time?

This humongo billboard advertises a swanky new development that will maybe be built one day, in the luxurious middle of nowhere.

Here's where we turn off the main road and head down the street to our campus. That big tower and the wall around it has something to do with some police training campus.
That teeny van is the type we ride in. The sand actually looks kind of pretty here. It doesn't seem as colorful in "real life".
Fascinating stuff, I know.
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