Berlin, Day Two

Our second day in Berlin, we were more comfortable with the subway. Fortunately, our hotel was very close to a stop.
Amy looks so cute trying to decipher the subway map.
I left all the navigation in her capable hands. I was still recovering from my stupid vertigo crap. As you can tell from how horrible I look in all the Germany photos.

This memorial-type display has been put up in the place where the wall used to be. In souvenier shops all over town you can buy quarter-sized pieces of the wall, covered with a thick coat of spray paint.

I spotted an advertisement for the current show at the Guggenheim, so we stopped by that as well. It was close to an ice skating pavilion, so Blake was especially good inside the boring museum. :)
I really loved the show. I was in heaven with the delicate drawings and beautifully textured materials... The first thing that strikes you is the amazing comparisons made between such seeminly different artists. Unfortunately, absolutely no photos were allowed, or I'd show you what I mean.

We wrapped up the afternoon with iceskating, and then headed back to Schweinfurt.

Good-bye Supercool Berlin
Hey I'm going to your show on saturday!
Rock on! Merriann
ooooh.. Berlin. That is the one place I really wanted to go, but couldn't. Mmmm... beer. When you coming out to SF? I got a tight pad out here.
did you have fun at the CSAW show Merriann? tell me everything!
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