Cousin Robin made me want to find photos of the apartment to show you the "before" and "after". It still has a long way to go, but look at that fabric on the living room couch things...!!! I am sitting here in the living room with our landlord. The after can be found in my next blog, where I am sitting on the recovered couch with Arthur. whew, what a difference. And Leah got us a great deal on the fabric at the market in Cairo. The guy who recovered the cushions did it in two or three days! All twelve cost about 75 dollars, fabric and labor! Some things are so cheap here. Don't try to buy U.S. brand cookies or chips though. Cheetos or Oreos could set you back 8 bucks per package!
Those are all great photos! Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you!
we miss you angielooo! you and your roomie are so handy with the redecorating--your house looks marvellous. also, arthur is so, so very cute!
HI BEAUTIFUL! Wow - what amazing pictures! I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself there Angi, what an experience!
Love, Robin
i love your blog info ! looks really, really different for the better than these parts round here. 8 bucks for some good ole U.S. cookies is a little crazy ! what bout some good ole budlight? or i m sure they have some beer there thats pretty cheap aaayyyyy ? some of the sight seeing is really spectacular ! beats the shit out of Houston ! (hands down) duuuhhhh!man i would sure like to be considered WEALTHY also ! do you have little Egyptain boy toys i mean servants?! lol why cant you touch the walls cause of the oils? your always saying how Leah is scared to be in pics WHERE are YOU?! i want to see my beautiful sis in more pics! i like the one where your shading your eyes you look soooooo teeny tiny! AWESOME i love it ! i miss you terribly ! love ya !
hey crustilicious! hiya bobina! hola mzz jo, and sweet merriann.
great great great to hear from yous guys
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