new apt and turning 32

I celebrated my birthday with new friends, all of which are teachers at the American International School in Egypt (AISE). Because of the intensity of the situation, many of us have become amazingly close in a short amount of time. It feels like I've been here for months.

Leah, my housemate, and I invited everyone over to our brand spankin' new apartment last night, our 4th night in the place. We were the last teachers to find housing. Nearly half found something on the first day... but that is another unbelievable story for another blog.
We are so happy in the space and finally feel like it was worth all the stress, waiting and hard work. Here's my pink on pink on PIIINK bathroom. I'll take a 6th story , street front, nile river and pyramid view from a balcony over a tasteful restroom any day. The entry way looks a 150% better. We put the largest chandelier there, instead of the living room. We decided to just "go with" the over the top, yellow-gold mirror and table. I painted "welcome" in the long, waste of space hall that leads to the bedrooms. The ceilings are all office tiles in this half of the apt, so we got creative with fabric. Going to the fabric souk (sp?) was an experience. It was my first trip to Cairo proper, which is very different than Maadi, where I live. The section we went to is famous for their miles and miles of fabric. Leah, who speaks no Arabic, was a pro at haggling for better prices (maybe from the year she spent in Guatemala?). She and the fabric guy (who spoke no English) passed the calculator back and forth until the price came down from 48 LE (egyptian pound) a meter to 17 LE per meter!! We got the 12 meters of hall fabric and enough to recover the 12 couch cusions (26 meters) for around 550 LE, about 100 dollars.
In the studio and my bedroom I'm going to try wall papering the ceiling for something different.

The subway is far enough down that we don't really hear it. I've been told that riding it is quite the experience. It's only 5 dollars for the hour trip to Cairo. Nancy, the woman who let us stay w/ her while we waited for our apt, went with several people to the opera house to see a jazz performance. She said that tickets to the best seats in the house cost about 5 or 6 dollars, and that the building is gorgeous.

(notice Mr. Arthur making his rounds? He snapped at all the right people.)

Ok, that's all for now. Love to all! I'm missing everyone more than ever now that things are quieting down. Please update me when you get a chance. :) angela
Oh my god that cake looks like a forest fire! (JK)
I LOVE the apartment. It looks fantastic!
The apartment looks fabulous. You're doing an incredible job from what you've told me about the place. Oh, and I love that you have a bigger kitchen than me. I can't wait to go - howz about me just staying and being a live-in maid/nanny for arthur. It's so nice to see so many people at your place. Are any of those men eligible bachelor's? Had to ask, you know. Miss you terribly.
wow... your place looks so nice. can't wait to use your kitchen. pasta ok with you guys?
bangie, ur apt. looks great. can we come now? it looks first class. i miss you. when are u coming home?
angela, i can't believe i got to hear your sweet voice this morning. i'll be calling u all the time now since i don't have a computer right now. ur place looks so palatial. i luv the pic of u and art. i just talked to bob and he informed me that he will have to buy me a new puppy because he is too attached to her. she is going to be too big for my apt. anyway. her name is maggie and she is a blue healer. she's so cute. 12 weeks and 12 pounds. now i can get me a little pup. sondra and i are going to the atlantis resort in the bahamas on oct 26 thru 29 because i got 3 comp nights there and she does not want to be in houston when dan gets married. we're trying to find cheap airfare. auntie carole says hi. we miss u so much. when can i come see u? i'm checking airfare now. luv auntie b
Hey, girl! Lani, here. So glad to hear things are going well. What a great learning experience, eh? And what a nice pad!! Sure puts mine to shame!
Nice dog.
Angie, I read your blog about once a week. Have to admit...little jealous of all the beautiful views and exciting adventures you are enjoying. I think it is wonderful that you decided to take a chance and try living outside the American ordinary. That says so much about you and your spirit. Be proud! Sandra
Bill Burke wants to know if Arthur gotten Laid yet?
Hey Angela. Rachel gave me your blog address and I've been reading some it but mostly I wanted to say hello and wish you well on your travels.
Well it is late, but better late than never. I just found this site and figured out how to leave a comment. I am really sad I missed it till now. You know how stupid I am when it comes to computer sites. But I'll not give up. Once again I am totally impressed with you and what you have done. The apartment has sure improved with all the things you and Leah have done. I can't wait to see it. I enjoyed the tour of all your friends and new beginning. I love ya, Mom
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