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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bedouin Markets Sell More Than You'd Think

Nancy had been on a tour that Leah and I missed due to excessive apt. hunting. So, she offered to take us there since she needed to go back anyway to pick up some dishes she was crazy for. The shop is great, and the owner is very warm and friendly. Unfortunately, he took quite a liking to Leah (and myself) and so "friendliness" soon turned into flirting. I don't really know how to explain what happened... It sounds worse than it is, but basically Leah and I were offered marriage by a very wealthy friend of the owner's. Whatever.

The bad part is that we didn't want to burn bridges at this store because we knew we wanted his hanging lamps for our apartement, as well as various other cool items he sells. AND of course it put us in a slightly uncomfortable situation when he gives us all items at wholesale prices, insists . He says we are like family to him, that he doesn't know why he feels so comfortable with us and that he is rich enough and doesn't need to make a profit, that we just pay his cost. So, you can see the dilemma??

Anyway, we gracefully declined the wedding invitation, explained that such offers made us uncomfortable, and things have calmed down a bit since then. It's all a learning experience, right?

And here is the "Grand Mall". Elements of a flea market and Houston's "Galleria" all rolled into one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uugh... be careful not to cause any international incidents with your hotness.

14/9/06 05:06  

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