Well, here we go again, faithful readers.
I am back into the full swing of things here in Cairo. I took loads of photos while in Mexico and Texas, and they're all posted at Picassa. Clicking on the below links should take you to all my Picassa web albums. I think there's a total of six or seven.

I tried to attach a video here of Leah driving us around Cairo, but it took too long. So, you'll just have to imagine us taking our lives into our own hands until I have more time. We were driving to the British Club (there are several of these "members only" type clubs here where your friendly Canadian, American or Brit signs your non-member self in for the evening). I was very happy. They serve real beer, yeah for Boddington's!
They had these little wall paintings all around the courtyard area where we sat.

Here's the apartment for my Year Two experience. Not as swanky as last year's, but better in many ways. The second photo is of my studio, which I could have straightened up a bit before taking the photo.
See Arthur in the corner of the studio in his new kennel? I guess KLM didn't like his small blue kennel that he was traveling in because this is what he was in when I picked him up at baggage in Cairo.
FYI, when I talk on my land line, this is where sit.So, last night was the first night of Ramadan, only a whole month left to go. This holiday means leaving work an hour earlier every day, but it also means fire crackers all day and night (poor arthur HATES it, he stays in the closet). Ramadan also means from 4:30am to 6:30pm Muslims are fasting (Morning break is called sohour and evening fast breaking is called Iftar
Thanks for the correction connie!).
Below, some messing around in the studio
Of course, nobody expects foreigners to fast, but it still greatly effects our lives, much like the explosive consumer frenzy during Christmas in the States. Obviously, during Ramadan there's no eating or drinking in front of students. And going out to eat or to a coffee shop before 6:30 p.m. makes one feel like a super jerk, since nearly all employees are Muslim and they haven't eaten or had anything to drink since before sunrise.
Any restaurants that do serve alcohol, certainly don't sell this month of the year, and our trusty delivery liquor store, "Drinkies" is closed for the month as well. In fact, most businesses adjust their hours in some way, some closing completely until the end of Ramadan. With just cause, the students are pretty tired and grumpy. They eat a huge, celebratory meal at 6:30pm with tons of friends and family and then don't get to sleep until quite late, waking again at 4:30a.m. for prayer and the other chance to eat and drink

for the day. Muslim fasting here includes not being able to drink water. . . On a brighter note, Ramadan means there are lots of colorful lights around town and some very pretty Ramadan lanterns lit up around town.
In other news, I'm going to spend this coming weekend at El Arish, with about 70 other teachers who also want to say a final farewell to beach weather. I'll post some photos.
Oh! and some final, shocking news. In fact, those of you that know me well might want to take a seat before reading the following information. . . I am coaching Middle School girls' basketball! Don't worry, there's another, uh, real coach in charge, my friend/coworker, Jennifer. It's been fun so far, and nice to be outside right now, with the weather cooling off. And yes, they actually call me "Coach Maxwell".
Above, Miss Jennifer visits with Arthur. The night she and Cheri came over to watch a movie, our television refused to cooperate. I guess it was feeling old fashioned, it would only play in black and white. Occasionally when it felt creative, it would burst into red, with yellow horizontal lines. Nice.
Here are the winners for my new blog contest, best Egyptian packaging or logo design of the month.
Coach Maxwell