Angela in Egypt

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's still February

So I said wouldn't have anything posted until after Spring Break, and yet here I am, only 4 days later. I've had a couple of Crappy Crapfabulous days that are worthy of documentation.

In my last entry I was rightfully accused of being "morose" (thanks for reading douglas), however, I figure I am way over due. After months and months of oh-so-chipperness and entries like, "ewww, look where I went" and "ahhh, see where I've been", a couple of morose posts help to even the overall tone, don't you think?

Thursday evening Leah and I called Eurodeli for delivery the 4th time this week, and decided branch out from the much-loved, tried and true Chicken Philladelphia Sandwhich. We had two pizzas delivered (they're not State-sized pizzas, thank you very much). Guess who got the lucky pie? The one that came with freeee food poisoning?

Whhhhhyyyy, Eurodeli?? Wwwwhhhhhyyy?!!!! All Thursday night and Friday I was mis-er-able. And of course, Friday was the first gorgeously clear day we've had in ages. Yet, I spent the first half of my weekend huddled under the covers, nursing chills and a fever.

...BUT WAIT, the second half is JUST as GOOD!...

This morning I felt much better and was REALLY looking forward to taking an extra long shower since I skipped it while on my death bed, but... there was NO FREAKING WATER!!!!!!
"No worries," I tell myself, "this tends to happen here." Sometimes we're without electricity for several minutes, or more often, there won't be water in the building for a couple of hours. So I ignored it and did my usual weekend morning, long walk with Arthur to the bagel shop, returned home, and... Anyway, I'll save you the play-by-play of the ENTIRE DAY because that's how long it's been, and still, no water. We found out at 9pm that a main line is being repaired, and "maybe tomorrow" we'll have water. Great.

I guess I can give up on getting the coveted "Patient American" award. Although, hands down, I could win the "Stankiest, Bitchiest American" award.

This calls for a day off! Looks like I may be celebrating President's Day with a long weekend myself.

The pictures I've included here are some fun I had with Illustrator while I was "holed up" this weekend.
G'bye from BFE!

Tune in next time for,
"The Nile, It Ain't so Far ta Water" and the ever popular "Sanitize for Sanity, 32 Fun Ways to Clean your Food"


Monday, February 12, 2007

February, nothing personal, but Good Riddance!

Hey look, there's arthur back there, doing what he does best.

February has brought confusion, loneliness and finally, introspection.

I've been here long enough to have sorted out a few things about how I feel about this place. On a personal level, my lack of social life is beginning to make me feel very old, nearly dead infact. But the upside is (and it's a good trade off) that I have been reading my arse off, which I LOVE, and watching a TON of DVDs. I rarely had time for either in my previous life, or for art, so I am grateful for this experience.

However, I'm thoroughly over the idea of immersing myself in the culture. There is only the slightest trickle of an art/music scene and I'm no longer excited or curious about discovering what it really means to be an Egyptian, like when I first moved here... From afar, the differences were pretty fascinating, but living here, I find that the people are quite married to their self-imposed restrictions and close-mindedness... It's not a very fun culture for women, to say the least.

So, my new angle? I lose myself in my own world of making art, downloading music, listening to NPR podcasts, reading books and watching movies. Good thing I like myself. My split personalities have never gotten along so well. har har har And, if one MUST be stuck with a single companion, I guess Leah, my "flatmate" ain't so bad. She and Arthur gang up on me sometimes, but I for the most part, I can't complain.

In other news, I'm back at the language thing, trying to learn some Arabic. If it wasn't for Leah's kind persistence, I'd have given it up before the FIRST session was over, back in December. But as it is, I find myself once again dreading the classes two evenings a week. It's really humiliating, but also quite hilarious in a sadistic sort of way. I'm so BAD. Studying outside of class would probably help, but somehow I never quite get around to it. Level Two feels more like Level Twenty-two. The instructor has a fun trick: she introduces a verb and her five brave students are instantly suppose to memorize it, conjugate it, and use the word in a variety of FULL sentences. hmmm.

So, that's it from the field. Not very exciting this month, but March will bring a long break and a visit from my dear ma and auntie. So, the magic eight ball is predicting many photos and adventures will appear sometime after March 10th.

p.s. I've been working on illustrations for a friend's book.